The automatic deployment method will provide you a full featured Continuous Integration system with Jenkins and jenkins-debian-glue within just a few minutes, assuming that you have neither of them installed nor configured.

The deployment script expects

with >=512MB RAM and >=4GB of free disk space.

The Ubuntu Server LTS on Amazon EC2 are known to work fine out of the box.
The Debian AMIs are known to work fine (buster + bullseye)
The Debian images on Google Compute Engine are known to work fine out of the box.

All you need to do to automatically deploy the stack is execute the following two commands:

sudo bash ./

This will take ~5 minutes (depending on network and disk speed).

After installation finished successfully you should get:

Now point your browser to http://$SERVER_IP:8080

Visiting your browser should give you the `Unlock Jenkins` screen (also see upstream docs).

After providing the initial admin password (from /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword), continue with plugin installation, choose `Select plugins` and click `Install` button there. If any plugins fail to install, this means that dependencies are missing (if so check the systems log for Failed to install and please reports those).

Finally create an administrator user and choose the Jenkins URL for your system.

After finishing the setup dialog and restarting jenkins, you should be able to login with your newly created administrator user.

NOTE: If any of the jenkins-debian-glue-source, jenkins-debian-glue-binaries or jenkins-debian-glue-piuparts Jenkins jobs are missing, or execution fails at an early stage, Jenkins might have rewritten those Jenkins jobs. :( Executing `sudo bash ./ --force` should fix this.

Go to the jenkins-debian-glue-source Jenkins job and select Build now. A few seconds later the job should be finished and automatically triggers the jenkins-debian-glue-binaries and jenkins-debian-glue-piuparts Jenkins jobs. This will take a while for its first run (setting up the cowbuilder environment for you).

Once the jenkins-debian-glue-binaries Jenkins job has finished as well you should have Jenkins jobs marked as green or blue (AKA success):

Problems? Check out the build console log which should be available at http://$SERVER_IP:8080/job/jenkins-debian-glue-binaries/architecture=amd64/lastBuild/console

Well done - that's it! You have your own Debian packages of jenkins-debian-glue now.

Execute sudo repository_checker --list-repos jenkins-debian-glue to get a listing of Debian packages inside the jenkins-debian-glue repository, which is available in /srv/repository. Now you have everything to add your own Debian packages and enjoy the benefits of Continuous Integration.

Next Steps - Customization